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Elegance Events

and design

Tyrone + Glenn

Marriage is about becoming a team. You're going to spend the rest of your life learning about each other, and every now and then, things blow up. But the beauty of marriage is that if you picked the right person and you both love each other, you'll always figure out a way to get through it. -Nicolas Sparks

Tyrone and Glenn


Mt. Carmel Parish Church

El Circulo Convention Center

Coordination: Elegance Events

Stylist: Wacky by Vrian Jeffrey Buenvenida

HMUA: Cyrubjohn Masillones

Gown: Elegance Designs

Photo and Video: Smiles and Clicks

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Event Planner. Wedding Specialist. Helping you make your special day unforgettable.

Seeing those sweet smiles on our couple's faces is already satisfying. Watching the bride walk down the aisle and that love struck look on the groom's face proves that forever does exist.​ That is one of the many reasons why we love planning for such an occasion.If you are planning to get married sooner or later, don't forget to contact us. Let's make your wedding the most unforgettable moment of your life. 



Telephone:  522-9470/+639176518853



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